Young Research Program

The purpose of the talent management WP is to increase cohesion between the younger members of the consortium and to help them in their scientific and personal development. PhD students are often just graduated or have limited clinical experience. They start work in a new environment, and they are dependent on their direct supervisor which makes them vulnerable.

Younger members of the consortium are the PhD students, postdocs, WP leaders who are new to the job, and not to forget, non-WP personnel (research nurses and data-managers).

Cohesion manifests itself in easy exchange of experience and knowledge between PhD students in the consortium, not hindered by departmental or institutional boundaries. Scientific development includes not only knowledge and skills in research, but also apprehension of research methodology, and finally, awareness and internalization of ethical principles of research.

Our aim is that all PhD students in the consortium will take part in the cohesion program, and all will be exposed to the opportunities the scientific development program offers. The scientific development program will be complementary to the PhD programs and courses that are provided by the institutions, i.e., the NIHES program and similar courses provided by other institutions that participate in CONTRAST 2.0.

Young talent meetings

Once a year, usually in the spring, a Young Talent Cohesion Meeting is organised. During this full-day meeting, young researchers working under the CONTRAST umbrella come together to exchange experiences and build relationships. Several activities are organised focusing on soft skills, team building and knowledge transfer.

In addition, a smaller half-day meeting will be organised around autumn to bring the young talents together. The aim of these two meetings is to strengthen the links between the young researchers working on different work packages and in different institutes and to improve collaboration.

Young talent research travel grant

CONTRAST wants its Young Investigators to expand their horizon and become acquainted with international collaboration in research. We therefore provide travel grants. With a travel grant, you will be able to visit a renowned research group in- or outside Europe for a two-month period. This should be sufficient to set up a collaboration, to get acquainted with the research group members and to set up a data sharing project that can be completed online. If successful, a second smaller grant can be obtained for a second short visit to exchange results. 

In March 2025, the next round of travel grant calls will open. This call will close on May 1st 2025. More information can be found here: (see also menu on the left).