Registration CONTRAST2 annual meeting

Monday April 7th, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC

Click here for the preliminary agenda. Please register for the meeting using the registration form below. The registration deadline is March 17th. Registration after the deadline will depend on availability.

As you can see, in the morning we have dedicated sessions for the Scientific committee and clinical research nurses and PhDs.
At 11:30 the plenary sessions start for which everyone is invited.

We hope you all join the keynote lecture from Dr. Neshika Samarasekera, from the University of Edinburgh. Neshika Samarasekera is a clinical academic neurologist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is funded by the Stroke Association and her research focuses on intracerebral haemorrhage. She will talk about treatments targeting secondary injury in case of Intracerebral Haemorrhages.

For the parallel sessions, please specify which session you’d like to participate. To help you choose, some additional information on the topics of those sessions:

Session 1) Valorisation: Learn how to maximize the impact of your research in this engaging valorisation workshop, organized by the DCVA. The session will start with a brief introduction to valorisation and its importance in cardiovascular research. An expert from Axon Lawyers will then provide valuable insights on intellectual property, licensing models, and the creation of academic spin-outs. To conclude, an academic entrepreneur will share their personal journey and experiences in transforming research into a successful venture. This workshop offers fresh perspectives and practical tools to bridge the gap between science and application.

Session 2) Funding opportunities for Public Private Partnerships: based also on recent call from the Dutch Heart Foundation together with Health Holland, we will discuss the possibilities that this call or similar calls can offer for the CONTRAST2 consortium, and possibly brainstorm on how we can expend our network to harness these possibilities.

Session 3) Casuistry: Different interesting cases will be discussed while interacting with the group, to discuss the best strategy in complex treatment dilemmas.

Lunch and drinks are included for everyone who registered. If you have any dietary restrictions, please indicate so in the form below.

The annual meeting will take place in Lecture Hal 4 (CZ4). We will set up signs with “Contrast annual meeting’’ to help you locate the meeting rooms.

If you have any further questions, you can email me on:, or call me on: +31 6 1880 7947.

registration CONTRAST2 annual meeting
I am involved in workpackage: (multiple choices possible)
Which sessions will you attend? See preliminary agenda above
Which parallel sessions will you attend? See explanation above