Nov 11, 2017 – The DAWN trial has been published in NEJM. This trial, led by dr Tudor Jovin an and dr Raoul Nogueira provides evidence for a beneficial effect of thrombectomy in the time window of 6-24 hours. The selected patients had a small ischemic core on CTP (P75: 18 ml) and the majority (88%) had an unwitnessed onset. It is unkown how often this clinical pattern is encountered in clinical practice. We congratulate the DAWN investigators with this great achievement. We agree with the DAWN investigators that new trials in the late time window, with broader inclusion criteria, such as the MR CLEAN LATE trial, are indicated. Read the paper on NEJM and its accompanying editorial.
IRB approval
Oct 19, 2017 – We are happy to announce the METC (IRB) Approval for MR CLEAN LATE, MR CLEAN MED, MR CLEAN NO-IV and MR ASAP. This approval was granted in October 2017 and includes a permission to defer consent until 24 hours after inclusion.