COEUR Lecture on experimental models of stroke

You are all cordially invited to attend the following COEUR Lecture on experimental models of stroke:

“Large animal stroke models: rationale, techniques and practical experience”, by Prof. Dr. Johannes Boltze from the Fraunhofer Research Institution, Lübeck, Germany.

Click here for the invitation

The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP)

The CONTRAST Young Talent Program (YTP) aims to stimulate and support young researchers in developing and evaluating high quality innovative scientific ideas across the entire range of stroke research, both in the clinical and/or population-based setting and in preclinical research.
The CONTRAST consortium offers young talents the opportunity to apply for a voucher of 50.000 euro.
Deadline for submission is Friday June 22, 2018.

Further information:

If you have questions, please contact:


Apr 17, 2018 – the next CONTRAST Workshop on May 23,2018  will have its venue in AMC, Amsterdam. The exciting program features updates on acute stroke management and translational research by the WP coordinators, and three guest speakers:  prof Gert Kwakkel (VuMC Amsterdam), prof Denis Vivien (Caen University and Medical School, France),  and prof Pengfei Yang  (Shanghai Hospital, Shanghai China).  More information here.

Dutch Heart Foundation report

Dec 7, 2017 – The Dutch Heart Foundation report on cardiovascular disease epidemiology in the Netherlands, called “Hart en vaatziekten in Nederland 2017” is now available here.

Save the date.

Nov 30, 2017 – The next CONTRAST consortium meeting will be in AMC, Amsterdam on May 23, 2017.


Nov 11, 2017 – The DAWN trial has been published in NEJM. This trial, led by dr Tudor Jovin an and dr Raoul Nogueira provides evidence for a beneficial effect of thrombectomy in the time window of 6-24 hours. The selected patients had a small ischemic core on CTP (P75: 18 ml) and the majority (88%) had an unwitnessed onset. It is unkown how often this clinical pattern is encountered in clinical practice. We congratulate the DAWN investigators with this great achievement. We agree with the DAWN investigators that new trials in the late time window, with broader inclusion criteria, such as the MR CLEAN LATE trial, are indicated. Read the paper on NEJM and its accompanying editorial.

IRB approval

Oct 19, 2017 – We are happy to announce the METC (IRB) Approval for MR CLEAN LATE, MR CLEAN MED, MR CLEAN NO-IV and MR ASAP. This approval was granted in October 2017 and includes a permission to defer consent until 24 hours after inclusion.