Life time award for professor Gert Kwakkel

On Wednesday 4 December, Professor of Neurorehabilitation Gert Kwakkel received the prestigious ‘Princess Margaret Memorial Lecture Award’, a kind of ‘lifetime achievement award’ for his scientific research in the field of stroke. After receiving the ‘award letter’ made by Margaret’s son ‘Lord Snowdon’, of the British Royal Family, he delivered a plenary lecture at the UK Stroke Forum Congress (UKSF) in Liverpool in front of a large audience. The UKSF is the largest multidisciplinary platform for stroke researchers and practitioners. (For more information on the conference, see

Successful Young Talent meeting

On Thursday October 3rd, the CONTRAST2 young talents gathered in Utrecht for an educational afternoon program including a presentation on valorisation and a workshop on time management. After this intellectual endeavour they were rewarded with a nice pizza and drinks.
It was great to see so many of our hard-working PhD students coming together to share knowledge and spend time together.

Publication 2 year follow up MR CLEAN LATE

In September, in Lancet Neurology, a paper is published discussing the results of the 2-year follow up of the MR CLEAN LATE study.
We want to congratulate all authors with this publication!

Collateral-based selection for endovascular treatment of acute ischaemic stroke in the late window (MR CLEAN-LATE): 2-year follow-up of a phase 3, multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands.

Huijberts I, Pinckaers FME, Olthuis SGH, van Kuijk SMJ, Postma AA, Boogaarts HD, Roos YBWEM, Majoie CBLM, van der Lugt A, Dippel DWJ, van Zwam WH, van Oostenbrugge RJ; MR CLEAN-LATE investigators.Lancet Neurol. 2024 Sep;23(9):893-900

Multiple PhD defences

Multiple people within our CONTRAST network will soon defend their thesis:

On Friday September 27th, at 16:00 in the Agnietenkapel in Amsterdam, Natalie LeCouffe, who performed work on the de MR CLEAN NO IV, will defend her thesis ‘Refining Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke’.

On September 30th in Nijmegen, Lotte Sondag (PhD student and coordinating researcher of the DIST pilot study) will defend her thesis entitled ‘Towards new acute treatments for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages: The role of surgery and perihematomal edema’.

On October 1st, at 14:15, in the academiegebouw in Utrecht, Bart Franx, working within WP1, will defend his thesis on “Translational Neuroimaging of Cerebral Perfusion after Acute Ischemic Stroke”

We wish them all best of luck!

Hora est.

Young Talent Travel Grants awarded

July 2024

In May, we opened the first round of the CONTRAST2 Young Talent Travel Grants, which gives young CONTRAST researchers the opportunity to go abroad for two months to establish a collaboration.

We received many excellent applications, which were carefully evaluated. Based on the available budget for this call, we were able to fund three projects.

We congratulate Abel Sandmann, Bart Franx and Shan Sui Nio on their grants and look forward to seeing the results of their projects.

Next year in May, we will open another call for these Young Talent Travel Grants and encourage all young researchers with an idea for a project to submit their proposal.

Invitation fifth NESA symposium November 27th

We cordially invite you to attend the fifth symposium of the Netherlands Experimental Stroke Alliance (NESA) on November 27th in the TechMed Centre at the University of Twente, Enschede. The final program is attached below. We are confident that the program holds potential to inspire both fundamental and clinical researchers, and facilitate collaborations.

To register, please send an email to

Looking forward to meeting you all in Enschede,
The NESA board,
Jeannette Hofmeijer, Rick Dijkhuizen, Inge Mulder and Maximilian Wiesmann

100th patient included in DIST

June 4th 2024

Yesterday, the 100th patient was inducted into the DIST! What a milestone we have achieved together. We would like to thank everyone for their efforts in the study. On to the next 100!

Kind regards,
The DIST team!

Fabiano Cavalcante wins 2024-Ziedses des Plantes Philips price

On May 29th, 2024, Fabiano Cavalcante has won the 2024-Ziedses des Plantes Philips price. Each year, Philips, together with the NVIR, presents the Ziedses des Plantes-Philips Prize to two individuals who have completed the best research in the field of Radiological Imaging and Oncological Intervention Techniques. Fabiano is a PhD student, working within WP3c. He received this award for his work within IRIS on “Intravenous thrombolysis before endovascular treatment in patients with carotid tandem lesions: individual participant data meta-analysis”.

A big round of applause and congratulations to Fabiano for this amazing work!

CONTRAST2 annual meeting

Monday April 15th we gathered for the CONTRAST annual meeting in Leiden. It was amazing to learn about the progress made and to see the collaboration between the disciplins and workpackages really taking off! Together we work on improving the outcome of patients with acute stroke.

Drug classes affecting intracranial aneurysm risk: Genetic correlation and Mendelian randomization


We want to congratulate Mark Bakker with his latest publication, linked to WP1 – Preclinical and experimental studies

With his CONTRAST Young Talent Fellowship, Mark Bakker linked antidepressant drug usage to an increased risk of intracranial aneurysms (IA) and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (ASAH).
Utilizing a genetic approach, the authors aimed to find drug classes of which their usage might lower the risk of IA or ASAH. The authors followed a two-step approach. First, overlap between genetic risk factors for IA and the usage of drugs from several drug classes was established. Second, a more in-depth genetic approach was used to assess causality and therapeutic potential of the selected drug classes. The rationale behind the most striking finding is as follows: some individuals, due to their genetic makeup, respond strongly to the effects of antidepressant drugs. Other individuals are less responsive without knowing this, thus mimicking a placebo group. Persons who are exposed to antidepressant drugs and are responsive, were found to be at higher risk of developing IA and ASAH than the placebo-like group. Next, the magnitude of effect of antidepressant drugs on IA and ASAH risk should be determined to assess the clinical utility of these findings.
This study underscores the importance of further research to understand the genetic underpinnings that might link certain drug responses to the risk of stroke, offering a new perspective on preventive strategies in stroke management.