MR ASAP Contact
Coordinating Investigator
Simone Uniken Venema, MD
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Brain Center
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht
Telephone 24/7: 0031 6 51871901
Chief Investigators
Dr. H. Bart van der Worp, MD PhD
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Brain Center Rudolf Magnus
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht
Dr. Paul J. Nederkoorn, MD PhD
Department of Neurology
Academic Medical Center
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam
Who is who

Simone Uniken Venema
Simone is a PhD candidate at the University Medical Center Utrecht and is the current MR ASAP trial coordinator. She started her PhD in September 2019.

Bart van der Worp
Bart van der Worp is a neurologist with a special interest in cerebrovascular diseases at the University Medical Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has been (co-)Chief Investigator of the randomised clinical trials HAMLET, PAIS, COOLIST, and VAST and is (co-)Chief Investigator of PRECIOUS (, APACHE-AF (, and MR ASAP. Bart is President of the European Stroke Organisation (ESO;

Paul Nederkoorn
Dr. Paul Nederkoorn is stroke neurologist and clinical epidemiologist at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC), at the AMC location. This large comprehensive stroke center treats approximately 1200 stroke patients per year and performs over 200 intra-arterial trombectomy procedures per year. The core of the research work of the team of Dr. Nederkoorn is patient oriented studies in stroke, focusing on clinical burning questions in stroke that can be answered with pragmatic, investigator driven studies. An example is the recently finished Preventive Antibiotics in Stroke Study (PASS), a study that we designed after seeing so many post-stroke infections worsening our patients in real life. Dr. Nederkoorn is also doing research and is clinical expert in carotid artery disease.