
Biobank materials request procedure

Materials that are collected in CONTRAST are used for the measurements that are described in the protocol. But not all materials are used for that, and to optimally profit from the materials from patients and animals from CONTRAST, it was decided to develop a procedure for the use of biomaterials. Click here to read the procedure, and here to fill in the request form.

Clinical image acquisition protocols

To allow for a structured systematic analysis of all image data and an automated imaging biomarkers extraction, standardized image acquisition protocols are important.
We described the minimum requirements for image acquisition protocols to be used in the medical centers that participate in the clinical studies of the CONTRAST consortium.

Here below you will find the protocols, with the version date both in the file name as in the document itself.





Imaging data request procedure

Medical images (CT/MRI) are collected as part of the clinical studies in CONTRAST. These data are available for reuse under specific conditions. Click here to read the procedure, and here to fill in the request form. Please reach out to the CONTRAST WP7 Workpackage leaders with your request.