Date: Tuesday November 20th, 2018
- CONTRAST workpackage leaders and researchers (PhD students/Postdocs) are kindly invited for the 2018 CONTRAST intraconsortium meeting in Utrecht. In this meeting we will update each other about the different workpackages and trials.
- Keynote: The keynote lecture will be given by professor Gregory del Zoppo, from Washington University, who has an impressive experience in experimental and clinical stroke research, which goes back to the first stroke reperfusion trials.
- Focus: In this meeting the focus will be on developing possible concepts for preclinical studies within the consortium, both from clinical and basic experimental viewpoints.
- Venue: Micaffè, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht
- Registration: Please register by filling out the form. Please do so before November 13, 2018.
- Click here for the program.