Invitation fifth NESA symposium November 27th

We cordially invite you to attend the fifth symposium of the Netherlands Experimental Stroke Alliance (NESA) on November 27th in the TechMed Centre at the University of Twente, Enschede. The final program is attached below. We are confident that the program holds potential to inspire both fundamental and clinical researchers, and facilitate collaborations.

To register, please send an email to

Looking forward to meeting you all in Enschede,
The NESA board,
Jeannette Hofmeijer, Rick Dijkhuizen, Inge Mulder and Maximilian Wiesmann

100th patient included in DIST

June 4th 2024

Yesterday, the 100th patient was inducted into the DIST! What a milestone we have achieved together. We would like to thank everyone for their efforts in the study. On to the next 100!

Kind regards,
The DIST team!

Fabiano Cavalcante wins 2024-Ziedses des Plantes Philips price

On May 29th, 2024, Fabiano Cavalcante has won the 2024-Ziedses des Plantes Philips price. Each year, Philips, together with the NVIR, presents the Ziedses des Plantes-Philips Prize to two individuals who have completed the best research in the field of Radiological Imaging and Oncological Intervention Techniques. Fabiano is a PhD student, working within WP3c. He received this award for his work within IRIS on “Intravenous thrombolysis before endovascular treatment in patients with carotid tandem lesions: individual participant data meta-analysis”.

A big round of applause and congratulations to Fabiano for this amazing work!

CONTRAST2 annual meeting

Monday April 15th we gathered for the CONTRAST annual meeting in Leiden. It was amazing to learn about the progress made and to see the collaboration between the disciplins and workpackages really taking off! Together we work on improving the outcome of patients with acute stroke.