New Publication from WP3c!

This months, in Lancet Neurology, a paper is published assessing whether the presence of carotid tandem lesions would modify the safety and efficacy of intravenous thrombolysis in patients who could directly undergo endovascular treatment.
We want to congratulate all authors with this publication!

Fabiano Cavalcante, Kilian Treurniet, Johannes Kaesmacher, Manon Kappelhof, …, Yvo B W E M Roos, Zhong Rong Miao, Zifu Li, Intravenous thrombolysis before endovascular treatment versus endovascular treatment alone for patients with large vessel occlusion and carotid tandem lesions: individual participant data meta-analysis of six randomised trials, The Lancet Neurology,
Volume 24, Issue 4, 2025,Pages 305-315, ISSN 1474-4422,

CONTRAST2 young talent travel grants call open

We are very pleased to announce that the CONTRAST2 call for young talent research travel grants is now open. This call is for PhD students and postdocs working in the acute stroke research field and are affiliated with CONTRAST. This grant, with a maximum budget of €10.000, can fund a visit to a renowned research group in- or outside Europe for a two-month period, during which the applicant can set up a collaboration and data sharing project to complement their research project.

The application deadline is May 15th, 2025. This call is the second in a series of yearly calls to stimulate young investigators to expand their horizon and become acquainted with international collaboration in research.

For more information and for proposal submission, please visit this page:

DISTAL results published!

While endovascular therapy is standard treatment for acute ischemic stroke patients with a large vessel occlusion since the publication of our MR CLEAN trial in 2015, the benefit of this treatment  in medium or distal vessel occlusion remains unsure. The DISTAL trial, published in NEJM 5 February 2025, could not demonstrate clinical benefit of endovascular treatment for stroke caused by occlusion of medium or distal vessels. The DISTAL trial in total included 543 patients. Eight Dutch CONTRAST centers participated in this international trial, led by Swiss researchers. The results are important and raise additional questions. CONTRAST stays involved and will participate in further analyses of the trial results.

We congratulate Julie Staals and Adriaan van Es, Work Package leaders of CONTRAST2 WP3a, and drivers of the DISTAL trial within the Netherlands, with the published results!

Publications can be found via the links below:

Congratulations to Theo van Walsum, and his application partners on receiving funding for their program on “Public-Private Collaboration for Novel Technologies for Acute Stroke”

Scientists from Erasmus MC, Amsterdam UMC and Delft University of Technology will jointly receive four million euros from Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, on behalf of the Dutch CONTRAST Consortium. This funding will be used to develop new technologies for stroke care. “These are applications that use advanced measuring methods, artificial intelligence and digital twins’, says Theo van Walsum of the Radiology & Nuclear Medicine department, and work package lead of WP10 “Research infrastructure for data management”. These new applications and technologies are desperately needed and will also contribute to better treatment.

For more information, see also:,characterization%2C%20and%20treatment%20of%20patients

Inauguration Prof. dr. Julie Staals

Last Friday, February 14th, dr. Julie Staals was appointed professor of Neurovascular Diseases in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, in the auditorium of Maastricht University. During this ceremony she gave her inaugural speech with the title “on microadventure”. Julie is work package lead of CONTRAST2 WP3a, working in an international collaboration on “EnDovascular therapy plus best medical treatment (BMT) versus BMT alone for MedIum VeSsel Occlusion sTroke – a prAgmatic, international, multicentre, randomized triaL (DISTAL)

We congratulate Julie with this special occasion and amazing achievement.

For more information, see also;

Blog-post by American Heart Association featuring a CONTRAST2 related publication.

Last week we received news from the American Heart Association that a CONTRAST2 related article published in Stroke, “Endovascular thrombectomy alone for large vessel occlusion: a cost-effectiveness evaluation based on meta-analyses,” is featured on Stroke’s blog, Blogging Stroke.

Blogging Stroke highlights high-impact studies published in Stroke. In addition to article summaries, Blogging Stroke includes interviews with authors of recently published Stroke articles and keeps a pulse on the latest happenings in the stroke field through coverage of conferences, including the European Stroke Organisation Conference and the International Stroke Conference. Blog posts are written primarily by a group of stroke fellows and other early career researchers, and thus the blog fosters the involvement of the younger members of the stroke community with the journal and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

The posts could help clinicians take care of patients and researchers think of new projects. Through the blog, the American Hearth Association wants to engage current Stroke readers, as well as medical students, residents, and fellows interested in cerebrovascular disease; in other words, the future leaders of the field of stroke.

To view the blog post, please visit:

150e patient geïncludeerd in DIST

Dec 2024

Afgelopen maand is de 150e patiënt geïncludeerd in de DIST (Dutch ICH Surgery TRIAL), wat betekent dat ze over de 25% van het beoogd aantal studiedeelnemers zitten!
Een mooie prestatie van dit hard werkende team! Gefeliciteerd!

Last month, the 150th patient was included in the DIST (Dutch ICH Surgery TRIAL), which means they included over 25% of the study participants! A beautiful achievement from this hard working team! Congratulations!