CONTRAST consortium meeting 9 december 2020
On December 9th we hosted a total of 140 participants for the annual CONTRAST consortium meeting. Despite we the meeting was completely virtual we were able to pull off a great half day event with sessions on specific subjects related to acute stroke research such as: Methodology & data, Blood biomarkers, Preclinical trials, Scoring Systems and Imaging.
During the second part of the event we focused on discussing the results of the DIST pilot study, and an inspiring keynote lecture about minimally invasive surgery for ICH was delivered by Dr Christopher P Kellner of the IntraCerebral Hemorrhage program, Mt Sinai, New York. Besides providing a great overview of all the knowledge on minimally invasive surgery for ICH he also shared his knowledge and personal experience with this treatment procedure. Next, we discussed our plans for the DIST phase 3 RCT.
We look back at an inspiring event and thank all participants, hosts, chairs and speakers for their efforts! The recordings and presentations will become available via the CONTRAST website soon.
The slides and recordings are available at Rick van Nuland.